What is the "geiste" of this university/ garden project?
The word Geiste is a German word meaning "spirit".
It was used by the Russian painter Kandinsky in his book "Der Geiste in der Kunste." herewhich was written shortly befoe the outbreak of the First World War.
This is not an analysis of the history behind that book or the arguments in it but a comparison to it.
The Blau Reiter was an expressive movement.
The spirit, which literally means the breath, is the breath, the vital energy which makes possible any creative project, and the spirit of this project is to bring to light things that are hidden, as in "educate" to lead out of darkness, to light.
the internet has revolutionized the form of education but the content has often suffered.
So what is the point and purpose of monetine mondiali? Check out Godot, which perhaps in its time was as skandalous as Matilda and Leon.
Then if so inspired, proceed to the cor curriculum.Home.